What is the Full Form of ATKT ?

ATKT meaning in hindi ATKT मीनिंग इन हिंदी

ATKT मतलब क्या होता है

ATKT Full Form in Hindi – ATKT क्या है और इसका फुल फॉर्म | आज के इस पोस्ट में हम ATKT के बारे में जानकारी देने वाले है तो इसे पूरा जरूर पढ़े।

ATKT full form and What is ATKT? Full form of ATKT and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation ATKT. For what ATKT is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

Do you want to know What does ATKT mean? What is the full form of ATKT ?. Are you looking for What does ATKT mean? Are you looking for What does ATKT mean? What is the full form of ATKT? What is ATKT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation,

ATKT - Allowed To Keep Terms

ATKT is an examination system or the university policy that allows students to enter the next semester, even if he has not cleared all the subjects of the previous semesters. Now, after admitting in in the next semester, the previous semester subjects are carried forward to this semester, and the student has to clear all the subjects of this semester along with the backlogs.

This system of education is quite common in majority of the universities in India, in different courses related to Engineering, Commerce, Science, Pharmacy etc.

The major benefit of 'ATKT' is that, it allows students to continue the next term, even after failing in some subjects of the previous term. The number of subjects that comes under ATKT and the rules of getting in the next semester, varies from course to course and university.

This system of examination "ATKT" has some sort of limitations, like a student entering into the 5th semester must clear all the papers of the 1st and 2nd semester. This rule vary between universities and courses. This system of examination has been criticized for a long time, mainly by the teachers.

Conclusion -

As you can see in this article we have shared the Full Form Of ATKT with all the meanings. We have shared many ATKT full forms in this article according to the need. If you like our efforts please share them with your friends to spread the knowledge.