What is the Full Form of DDT ?

DDT - DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane

DDT is a colourless and odourless substance, used as a powerful insecticide that is poisonous to both humans and animals. It is known to accumulate in the tissues and remains active in the environment for many years. Due to its hazardous effects to nature and living beings, it has now been banned in US and UK.

It's chemical formula is C14H9Cl5. So, for every molecule of DDT, there are 14 atoms of carbon, 9 atoms of hydrogen, and 5 atoms of chlorine. In its pure form, DDT is a white, crystalline powder with little odour.

Effects of DDT on Animals
As we have already discussed that it is a powerful insecticide that is poisonous to both humans and animals. So, what makes it so dangerous for Animals and other living beings? DDT has long life due to its low solubility in water and it's relatively high solubility in fats. This means that once an animal digest a little DDT, it tends to stay in their body for long.