CSS vertical-align Property

The CSS vertical align property is used to define the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell box. It is the one of the self-explanatory property of CSS. It is not very easy property for beginners.

The vertical-align property in CSS is used to specify the vertical alignment of the table-box or inline element.


  • This property is mostly used to align images to it’s corresponding text.
  • This property can also be used to align the cells inside tables.
  • The vertical-align property cannot be used for the alignment of block level elements like p, ol, ul, h1, div etc.

Property Values:

  • baseline: It aligns the element baseline corresponding to the baseline of the parent. This might vary according to the browser. It is the default value.
  • sub: It aligns the element baseline corresponding to the subscript-baseline of its parent.
  • super: It aligns the element baseline corresponding to the superscript-baseline of its parent.
  • text-top: It aligns the element top corresponding to the top of the parent’s font.
  • text-bottom: Align the element’s bottom corresponding to the bottom of the parent’s font.
  • middle: Aligns the element’s middle corresponding to the middle of the parent.
  • top: Aligns the element’s top corresponding to the top of the tallest element on it’s line.
  • bottom: Aligns the element’s bottom corresponding to the top of the shortest element on it’s line.
  • length: Aligns the baseline of the element to the given length above the baseline of its parent. A negative value is allowed.
  • percentage: Aligns the element’s baseline corresponding to the given percentage above the baseline of its parent, with the value being a percentage of the line-height property.
  • initial: Initializes the value to the default value.
  • inherit: Inherits the value from the parent element.

CSS Syntax

vertical-align: baseline|length|sub|super|top|text-top|middle|bottom|text-bottom|initial|inherit;

Example -