What is the Full Form of i.e ?

Do you want to know What does i.e mean? What is the full form of i.e ?. Are you looking for What does i.e mean? What is the full form of i.e ? What is the full form of i.e?. Are you looking for What does i.e mean? What is the full form of i.e? What is i.e stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation,

The acronym i.e. stands for Latin phrase "id est", which means "that is" or "in other words". It is used to clarify a previously mentioned idea. It offers more information to express an idea more clearly. It is different from e.g., which is used to give an example.

i.e - "that is"

"i.e" is an abbreviation of a latin phrase meaning "that is".

It is used to explain something better or used as a "further" explanation of anything. It splits the complete sentence into two parts. The first part tells something, and the second part (following i.e) explain or elaborates it further. The use of i.e in a sentence clarifies it.

For example, we write a sentence "Our price includes service tax, i.e, you don't have to pay anything extra".