Online Phar Converter

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Phar converter online tools does not required any registrations and installations on your system, 100% free and online php archive (.phar) converter tool. PHAR (PHP Archive) file is a package format to enable distribution of applications and libraries by bundling many PHP code files and other resources (e.g. images, stylesheets, etc.) into a single archive file.

PHAR files may be in one of three formats: tar, and ZIP, which are compatible with their respective tooling, and a custom PHAR format. Regardless of the format used, all PHAR files use the .phar file extension. Tar and Zip format archives may be created and unpacked using standard tar and zip utilities, while the PHAR format requires custom PHP code using the PHAR extension for PHP.

All three formats have support for compression, however only the PHAR format supports both per-file and whole archive compression. Zip and Tar formats only support per-file and whole file compression respectively.

Created in 2004, PHAR files were influenced by Java's JAR file format with the aim of speeding up deployment of applications via FTP. Rather than using the ZIP file format the simpler tar format was used, and the first PHAR was created using the tar command line utility as a proof of concept. On June 14, 2004 the initial PHP_Archive package was proposed to PEAR and on December 13, 2004 it was accepted unanimously.