Online Web Code Test | Write and Run

PuStudy.Com Start write and Run your Web Code Online Work, PuStudy.Com Provide Online Web Editor, Every Language Code Work in this Editor, Editor Work Like as - Html, Php, Css, Bootstrap, Asp, jQuery Etc.

$args = array('first_name'=>'Bill','last_name'=>'Buzzard');
$values[] = array('first_name'=>'Brenda','last_name'=>'Buzzard');
$values[] = array('first_name'=>'Victor','last_name'=>'Vulture');
$values[] = array('first_name'=>'Bill','last_name'=>'Blue Jay');
$values[] = array('first_name'=>'Bill','last_name'=>'Buzzard');

$result = search_for($values,$args);

function search_for($array,$args) {
    $results = array();
    foreach ($array as $row) {
        $found = false;
        $hits = array();
        foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
            if (array_key_exists($k,$args)) $hits[$k] = ($args[$k] == $v);

        $found = array_product($hits);
        if (!in_array($row,$results) && true == $found) $results[] = $row;

    return $results;