PHP Calendar Introduction

The calendar extension presents a series of functions to simplify converting between different calendar formats.The intermediary or standard it is based on is the Julian Day Count. The Julian Day Count is a count of days starting from January 1st, 4713 B.C. To convert between calendar systems, you must first convert to Julian Day Count, then to the calendar system of your choice.The calendar extension contains functions that simplifies converting between different calendar formats.It is based on the Julian Day Count, which is a count of days starting from January 1st, 4713 B.C.

PHP 5 Calendar Functions

Function                                       Description

cal_days_in_month() Returns the number of days in a month for a specified year and calendar
cal_from_jd() Converts a Julian Day Count into a date of a specified calendar
cal_info() Returns information about a specified calendar
cal_to_jd() Converts a date in a specified calendar to Julian Day Count
easter_date() Returns the Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a specified year
easter_days() Returns the number of days after March 21, that the Easter Day is in a specified year
frenchtojd() Converts a French Republican date to a Julian Day Count
gregoriantojd() Converts a Gregorian date to a Julian Day Count
jddayofweek() Returns the day of the week
jdmonthname() Returns a month name
jdtofrench() Converts a Julian Day Count to a French Republican date
jdtogregorian() Converts a Julian Day Count to a Gregorian date
jdtojewish() Converts a Julian Day Count to a Jewish date
jdtojulian() Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian date
jdtounix() Converts Julian Day Count to Unix timestamp
jewishtojd() Converts a Jewish date to a Julian Day Count
juliantojd() Converts a Julian date to a Julian Day Count
unixtojd() Converts Unix timestamp to Julian Day Count