IEEE 754 floating point

Visualizes and converts between a floating point number and the IEEE 754 floating point format.

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Input number


JavaScript toString()

Float representation (32 bit)


Double representation (64 bit)


Sign Exponent Mantissa

Binary to decimal conversion · Decimal to binary conversion

Additional information

IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic: "This general is a fabricated from the Floating-Point Working Group of the Microprocessor Standards Subcommittee of the Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. This work was backed by means of the Technical Committee on Microprocessors and Minicomputers. Draft 8.0 of this wellknown became published to solicit public remarks. Implementation techniques can be located in An Implementation Guide to a Proposed Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic via J.T. Coonen, which was based totally on a still in advance draft of the proposal. This popular defines a own family of commercially possible methods for new systems to perform binary floating-factor arithmetic.