Online BTU to kWh conversion

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BTU to kWh conversion

British Thermal Unit (BTU) to kilowatt-hour (kWh), energy conversion calculator and how to convert.

BTU to kWh conversion calculator

Enter the energy in BTU and press the Convert button:

Result in kWh: kWh

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BTU to kWh

British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas.

The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.

A kilowatt-hour is a measure of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt, or 1,000 watts, of power over a one hour period. Kilowatt-hours are a measure of electrical work performed over a period of time, and are often used as a way of measuring energy usage by electric companies.

Kilowatt-hours are usually abbreviated as kWh, although the formally adopted expression is kW·h. The abbreviation kW h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 kWh, 1 kW·h, or 1 kW h. In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate units used to indicate multiplication in an expression and to avoid conflicting prefixes being misinterpreted as a unit symbol.

How to convert BTU to kWh

How to convert BTU (IT) to kilowatt-hour:

1 BTUIT = 0.00029307107017 kWh

So the energy in kilowatt-hours E(kWh) is equal to 0.00029307107017 times the energy in BTUs E(BTU):

E(kWh) = 0.00029307107017 × E(BTU)


Convert 3000 BTU to kWh:

E(kWh) = 0.00029307107017 × 3000 BTU = 0.879 kWh

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