Online Centimeters to Millimeters conversion

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Centimeters to Millimeters conversion

Millimeters result: mm
Meters+millimeters result: mm

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Centimeters to Millimeters

A centimeter (image: cm) is a unit of length in the Global Arrangement of Units (SI), the ongoing type of the decimal standard for measuring. It is characterized as 1/100 meters. The centimeter, similar to the meter, is utilized in a wide range of uses around the world (in nations that have gone through metrication) in cases where a more modest category of the meter is required. Level is normally estimated in centimeters beyond nations like the Assembled States.

A millimeter (image: mm) is a unit of length in the Global Arrangement of Units (SI). One millimeter is equivalent to one-thousandth (1/1,000) of a meter, which is characterized as the distance light goes in a vacuum in a 1/299,792,458 second time interval.

The millimeter, or millimeter, is a different of the meter, which is the SI base unit for length. In the decimal measuring standard, "milli" is the prefix for 10-3. Millimeters can be truncated as mm; for instance, 1 millimeter can be composed as 1 mm.

How to change over centimetes to millimeters

1 centimeter is equivalent to 10 millimeters:

1 cm = 10 mm

The distance d in millimeters (mm) is equivalent to the distance d in centimeters (cm) times 10:

d(mm) = d(cm) × 10


Convert 20 cm to millimeters:

d(mm) = 20cm × 10 = 200mm

Centimeters to millimeters transformation table

Centimeters (cm) Millimeters (")
0.01 cm 0.1 mm
0.1 cm 1 mm
1 cm 10 mm
2 cm 20 mm
3 cm 30 mm
4 cm 40 mm
5 cm 50 mm
6 cm 60 mm
7 cm 70 mm
8 cm 80 mm
9 cm 90 mm
10 cm 100 mm
20 cm 200 mm
30 cm 300 mm
40 cm 400 mm
50 cm 500 mm
60 cm 600 mm
70 cm 700 mm
80 cm 800 mm
90 cm 900 mm
100 cm 1000 mm


mm to cm conversion ►


Online Length Calculators

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