Online Kelvin to Rankine conversion

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Kelvin to Rankine conversion

Kelvin (K) to Rankine (°R) degrees conversion calculator and how to convert.

Kelvin to Rankine conversion calculator

Enter the temperature in Kelvin and press the Convert button:

 Rankine: °R

Rankine to Kelvin ►

Kelvin to Rankine

A ºF model of the Kelvin scale. Based upon the definitions of the Fahrenheit scale and the experimental evidence that absolute 0 is -459.67ºF. Based upon the definitions of the Centigrade scale and the experimental evidence that absolute zero is -273.15ºC

Convert kelvins to degrees Rankine with this easy components:

levels Rankine = [K] × 9 / 5

Insert the [K] temperature measurement inside the additives after which remedy to discover the end result.

For example

allow's convert 50 K to levels Rankine:

50 K = ( 50 × nine / five ) = 90 °R

Kelvins and the Rankine scale are every used to degree temperature.


The Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scale that uses absolute zero due to the fact the place to start. The kelvin is defined in terms of the Boltzmann consistent, that is a diploma of the power of movement much like one kelvin.

More in particular, one kelvin is same to the change of thermodynamic temperature that consequences in a trade of thermal electricity kT via 1.380649 × 10−23 J.

zero kelvins are identical to −273.15 tiers Celsius, it is the problem of absolute 0.

The kelvin is the SI base unit for temperature in the metric gadget. Kelvins can be abbreviated as K; as an example, 1 kelvin may be written as 1 K.

The kelvin scale is different from distinctive temperature scales in that it is not expressed in tiers, values are expressed in kelvins. When using the Kelvin scale in writing, the "ok" is capitalized, but while using the kelvin as a unit the "okay" need to be lower-case, even though it is referred to as for a person.

Important Temperatures In Kelvins

Temperature Kelvins
Absolute Zero 0 K
Freezing Point of Water 273.15 K
Triple Point of Water 273.Sixteen K
Boiling Point of Water 373.15 K


The Rankine scale is an absolute temperature scale that uses absolute zero due to the fact the place to begin, just like the Kelvin scale. The key distinction the various Rankine scale and the Kelvin scale is that an increment of one diploma rankine is same to an increment of 1 diploma Fahrenheit, no longer Celsius as within the Kelvin scale. The base of the Rankine scale starts offevolved offevolved at absolute 0, due to this zero tiers rankine are equal to −459.Sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit.

Rankine may be abbreviated as R, and also are from time to time abbreviated as Ra. For example, 1 degree Rankine can be written as 1 °R or 1 Ra.

Important Temperatures In Degrees Rankine

Temperature Degrees Rankine
Absolute Zero 0 °R
Freezing Point of Water 491.Sixty seven °R
Triple Point of Water 491.688 °R
Boiling Point of Water 671.67 °R


Rankine to Kelvin ►


Online Temperature Calculators

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