Online Microvolts to volts conversion

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Microvolts to volts conversion

Microvolts (µV) to volts (V) conversion - calculator and how to convert.

Microvolts to volts conversion calculator

Enter the voltage in microvolts and press the Convert button:

Enter voltage in microvolts: µV
Result in volts: V

Volts to µV conversion calculator ►

Microvolts to Volts

To convert a microvolt measurement to a volt measurement, divide the voltage by the conversion ratio.

Since one volt is equal to 1,000,000 microvolts, you can use this simple formula to convert:

volts = microvolts ÷ 1,000,000

The voltage in volts is equal to the microvolts divided by 1,000,000.

For example

Here's how to convert 5,000,000 microvolts to volts using the formula above.

5,000,000 µV = (5,000,000 ÷ 1,000,000) = 5 V

Microvolts and volts are both units used to measure voltage.


One microvolt is equal to 1/1,000,000 of a volt, which is the potential difference that would move one ampere of current against one ohm of resistance.

The microvolt is a multiple of the volt, which is the SI derived unit for voltage. In the metric system, "micro" is the prefix for 10-6. Microvolts can be abbreviated as µV; for example, 1 microvolt can be written as 1 µV.


Voltage is a measurement of electromotive force and the electrical potential difference between two points of a conductor. One volt is equal to the potential difference that would move one ampere of current against one ohm of resistance.

The volt is the SI derived unit for voltage in the metric system. Volts can be abbreviated as V; for example, 1 volt can be written as 1 V.

Ohm's Law states the current between two points on a conductor is proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance. Using Ohm's Law, it's possible to express the potential difference in volts as an expression using current and resistance.

VV = IA × R

The potential difference in volts is equal to the current in amperes times the resistance in ohms.

Volts to µV conversion ►

Online Voltage Calculators

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Voltage Calculators