
You might have occasionally came across “javascript:void(0)” in an HTML Document. It is often used when inserting an expression in a web page might produce some unwanted effect. To remove this effect, “javascript:void(0)” is used. This expression returns undefined primitive value.

This is often used with hyperlinks. Sometimes, you will decide to call some JavaScript from inside a link. Normally, when you click a link, the browser loads a brand new page or refreshes the same page (depending on the URL specified).

We can use the operand 0 in two ways that are void(0) or void 0. Both of the ways work the same. The JavaScript:void(0) tells the browser to "do nothing" i.e., prevents the browser from reloading or refreshing the page. It is useful when we insert links that have some important role on the webpage without any reloading. So, using void(0) on such links prevents the reloading of the page but allows to perform a useful function such as updating a value on the webpage.

But you most likely don’t desire this to happen if you have hooked up some JavaScript thereto link.

To prevent the page from refreshing, you could use void(0).

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