Online HTML Color Codes

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HTML Color Codes

HTML color codes and names.

HTML color picker

  • R
  • G
  • B
  • H °
  • S %
  • V %




Red colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  lightsalmon #FFA07A rgb(255,160,122)
  salmon #FA8072 rgb(250,128,114)
  darksalmon #E9967A rgb(233,150,122)
  lightcoral #F08080 rgb(240,128,128)
  indianred #CD5C5C rgb(205,92,92)
  crimson #DC143C rgb(220,20,60)
  firebrick #B22222 rgb(178,34,34)
  red #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
  darkred #8B0000 rgb(139,0,0)

Orange colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  coral #FF7F50 rgb(255,127,80)
  tomato #FF6347 rgb(255,99,71)
  orangered #FF4500 rgb(255,69,0)
  gold #FFD700 rgb(255,215,0)
  orange #FFA500 rgb(255,165,0)
  darkorange #FF8C00 rgb(255,140,0)

Yellow colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  lightyellow #FFFFE0 rgb(255,255,224)
  lemonchiffon #FFFACD rgb(255,250,205)
  lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 rgb(250,250,210)
  papayawhip #FFEFD5 rgb(255,239,213)
  moccasin #FFE4B5 rgb(255,228,181)
  peachpuff #FFDAB9 rgb(255,218,185)
  palegoldenrod #EEE8AA rgb(238,232,170)
  khaki #F0E68C rgb(240,230,140)
  darkkhaki #BDB76B rgb(189,183,107)
  yellow #FFFF00 rgb(255,255,0)

Green colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  lawngreen #7CFC00 rgb(124,252,0)
  chartreuse #7FFF00 rgb(127,255,0)
  limegreen #32CD32 rgb(50,205,50)
  lime #00FF00 rgb(0.255.0)
  forestgreen #228B22 rgb(34,139,34)
  green #008000 rgb(0,128,0)
  darkgreen #006400 rgb(0,100,0)
  greenyellow #ADFF2F rgb(173,255,47)
  yellowgreen #9ACD32 rgb(154,205,50)
  springgreen #00FF7F rgb(0,255,127)
  mediumspringgreen #00FA9A rgb(0,250,154)
  lightgreen #90EE90 rgb(144,238,144)
  palegreen #98FB98 rgb(152,251,152)
  darkseagreen #8FBC8F rgb(143,188,143)
  mediumseagreen #3CB371 rgb(60,179,113)
  seagreen #2E8B57 rgb(46,139,87)
  olive #808000 rgb(128,128,0)
  darkolivegreen #556B2F rgb(85,107,47)
  olivedrab #6B8E23 rgb(107,142,35)

Cyan colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  lightcyan #E0FFFF rgb(224,255,255)
  cyan #00FFFF rgb(0,255,255)
  aqua #00FFFF rgb(0,255,255)
  aquamarine #7FFFD4 rgb(127,255,212)
  mediumaquamarine #66CDAA rgb(102,205,170)
  paleturquoise #AFEEEE rgb(175,238,238)
  turquoise #40E0D0 rgb(64,224,208)
  mediumturquoise #48D1CC rgb(72,209,204)
  darkturquoise #00CED1 rgb(0,206,209)
  lightseagreen #20B2AA rgb(32,178,170)
  cadetblue #5F9EA0 rgb(95,158,160)
  darkcyan #008B8B rgb(0,139,139)
  teal #008080 rgb(0,128,128)

Blue colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  powderblue #B0E0E6 rgb(176,224,230)
  lightblue #ADD8E6 rgb(173,216,230)
  lightskyblue #87CEFA rgb(135,206,250)
  skyblue #87CEEB rgb(135,206,235)
  deepskyblue #00BFFF rgb(0,191,255)
  lightsteelblue #B0C4DE rgb(176,196,222)
  dodgerblue #1E90FF rgb(30,144,255)
  cornflowerblue #6495ED rgb(100,149,237)
  steelblue #4682B4 rgb(70,130,180)
  royalblue #4169E1 rgb(65,105,225)
  blue #0000FF rgb(0,0,255)
  mediumblue #0000CD rgb(0,0,205)
  darkblue #00008B rgb(0,0,139)
  navy #000080 rgb(0,0,128)
  midnightblue #191970 rgb(25,25,112)
  mediumslateblue #7B68EE rgb(123,104,238)
  slateblue #6A5ACD rgb(106,90,205)
  darkslateblue #483D8B rgb(72,61,139)

Purple colors

Color HTML / CSS
 Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  lavender #E6E6FA rgb(230,230,250)
  thistle #D8BFD8 rgb(216,191,216)
  plum #DDA0DD rgb(221,160,221)
  violet #EE82EE rgb(238,130,238)
  orchid #DA70D6 rgb(218,112,214)
  fuchsia #FF00FF rgb(255,0,255)
  magenta #FF00FF rgb(255,0,255)
  mediumorchid #BA55D3 rgb(186,85,211)
  mediumpurple #9370DB rgb(147,112,219)
  blueviolet #8A2BE2 rgb(138,43,226)
  darkviolet #9400D3 rgb(148,0,211)
  darkorchid #9932CC rgb(153,50,204)
  darkmagenta #8B008B rgb(139,0,139)
  purple #800080 rgb(128,0,128)
  indigo #4B0082 rgb(75,0,130)

Pink colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  pink #FFC0CB rgb(255,192,203)
  lightpink #FFB6C1 rgb(255,182,193)
  hotpink #FF69B4 rgb(255,105,180)
  deeppink #FF1493 rgb(255,20,147)
  palevioletred #DB7093 rgb(219,112,147)
  mediumvioletred #C71585 rgb(199,21,133)

White colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  white #FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255)
  snow #FFFAFA rgb(255,250,250)
  honeydew #F0FFF0 rgb(240,255,240)
  mintcream #F5FFFA rgb(245,255,250)
  azure #F0FFFF rgb(240,255,255)
  aliceblue #F0F8FF rgb(240,248,255)
  ghostwhite #F8F8FF rgb(248,248,255)
  whitesmoke #F5F5F5 rgb(245,245,245)
  seashell #FFF5EE rgb(255,245,238)
  beige #F5F5DC rgb(245,245,220)
  oldlace #FDF5E6 rgb(253,245,230)
  floralwhite #FFFAF0 rgb(255,250,240)
  ivory #FFFFF0 rgb(255,255,240)
  antiquewhite #FAEBD7 rgb(250,235,215)
  linen #FAF0E6 rgb(250,240,230)
  lavenderblush #FFF0F5 rgb(255,240,245)
  mistyrose #FFE4E1 rgb(255,228,225)

Gray colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  gainsboro #DCDCDC rgb(220,220,220)
  lightgray #D3D3D3 rgb(211,211,211)
  silver #C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192)
  darkgray #A9A9A9 rgb(169,169,169)
  gray #808080 rgb(128,128,128)
  dimgray #696969 rgb(105,105,105)
  lightslategray #778899 rgb(119,136,153)
  slategray #708090 rgb(112,128,144)
  darkslategray #2F4F4F rgb(47,79,79)
  black #000000 rgb(0,0,0)

Brown colors

Color HTML / CSS
Color Name
Hex Code
Decimal Code
  cornsilk #FFF8DC rgb(255,248,220)
  blanchedalmond #FFEBCD rgb(255,235,205)
  bisque #FFE4C4 rgb(255,228,196)
  navajowhite #FFDEAD rgb(255,222,173)
  wheat #F5DEB3 rgb(245,222,179)
  burlywood #DEB887 rgb(222,184,135)
  tan #D2B48C rgb(210,180,140)
  rosybrown #BC8F8F rgb(188,143,143)
  sandybrown #F4A460 rgb(244,164,96)
  goldenrod #DAA520 rgb(218,165,32)
  peru #CD853F rgb(205,133,63)
  chocolate #D2691E rgb(210,105,30)
  saddlebrown #8B4513 rgb(139,69,19)
  sienna #A0522D rgb(160,82,45)
  brown #A52A2A rgb(165,42,42)
  maroon #800000 rgb(128,0,0)


In HTML, you can specify color using its RGB value (using either hex or RGB notation), or by its color name.

The HTML color picker below makes it easy to choose colors for your website.

The HTML color picker is used to select colors of different shades which we usually can’t remember because they are very large in quantity. Also it is a fact that you cannot name every shade of color as a little bit of difference creates a different shade. Sometimes two or more colors are mixed together to form a new shade of color. So, for this huge variety of colors as we have said, particular names are not possible but every color has a Hex code associated with it. This HTML color picker gives the code of the shades of colors in terms of RGB colors. The browser can read this code and according to the code it will display the color in the website.

This HTML color picker can be used in many forms like if you have a client who need to see some color options for anything, like color scheme for a website or an android application, etc. then instead of overwhelming them with 16 million colors, you can show them selected colors only. A designer can use this tool in many ways like, creating a whole new color palette for a new brand. Choosing right colors according to the type of content present in the website is very important. This HTML color picker gives accurate color codes, same like the one people use in Photoshop or in MS Paint.

This free HTML color selector is the ultimate web design tool. You can easily generate cohesive, harmonious color schemes by using the complementary, triade, tetrade, and analogic options up top, or you can create your own color palette from scratch by using the RGB color picker functionality and saving your preferred colors to the palette on the right hand side of the tool. Lastly, you can type HEX color values directly into the tool, and you can manually adjust HSB and RGB values in order to fine-tune your color selection.

As a designer, you can use this tool however you see fit - from trying out a new brand color palette, to using it as an on-demand CSS color picker. Choosing the right colors for a project is always tough, and we want to make that process as simple as possible. There are plenty of options out there when it comes to online color picker tools, but we want to be the best.

Color Picker

Use the color picker by clicking and dragging your cursor inside the picker area to highlight a color on the right. Input Hex, RGB, HSL or CMYK values to search for a particular color in the fields below the color swatch; click the swatch to add it to your palette. After selecting a color, experiment with different harmonies by using the dropdown below the color picker.

Use the color picker by clicking and dragging your cursor inside the picker area to highlight a color on the right. Input Hex, RGB, HSL or CMYK values to search for a particular color in the fields below the color swatch; click the swatch to add it to your palette.

How do I find the hex code for a color?

Colors are identified in HTML and CSS by their hexadecimal codes. If you're creating a webpage or other HTML project and want to include an element that matches a particular color in an image, website, or program window on your computer screen, you'll need to find the color's hex code. There are a few ways to hunt that code down—without needing to dig into any source code.

This free HTML color selector is the ultimate web design tool. You can easily generate cohesive, harmonious color schemes by using the complementary, triade, tetrade, and analogic options up top, or you can create your own color palette from scratch by using the RGB color picker functionality and saving your preferred colors to the palette on the right hand side of the tool. Lastly, you can type HEX color values directly into the tool, and you can manually adjust HSB and RGB values in order to fine-tune your color selection.

As a designer, you can use this tool however you see fit - from trying out a new brand color palette, to using it as an on-demand CSS color picker. Choosing the right colors for a project is always tough, and we want to make that process as simple as possible. There are plenty of options out there when it comes to online color picker tools, but we want to be the best.

Color Harmonies

Color harmonies are particularly pleasing combinations of two or more colors derived from their relationship on a color wheel. Also known as color chords, color harmonies are useful when exploring a possible color palette, or can be used as a standalone color scheme.

Colors that are directly opposite one another on the color wheel are known as complementary colors. Complementary colors have a high contrast and can be very effective as accent colors when paired with a more neutral palette.

Triadic harmonies consist of three colors equidistant from one another on the color wheel. Like complementary colors, triadic schemes tend to be very bright with a high contrast and work best when one color dominates.

Tetradic color harmonies are formed by two sets of complementary colors 60 degrees apart on the color wheel. Tetradic schemes are an excellent starting point for creating color palettes; fine tune them using color shades, tints and tones.

How to Use a Color Picker to Perfectly Match Colors

A color picker is a feature of virtually all software or online image and text editing tools. It allows you to choose the colors of visual elements like text or shapes in a document or graphic.

Nowadays, the color pickers in most image and video editing software include a feature that will identify a color in an image based on its RGB or hexadecimal (HEX) values.When you are using a color picker, you can click a space that contains a color in question and the color picker will display it. After identifying the color, you can apply it to shapes, text, or other elements on the canvas.

This allows you to perfectly match brand guidelines or maintain a consistent theme.The color matching feature in most color pickers is indicated by an eyedropper icon. In the three steps that follow, I demonstrate how to use the color picker in Snagit to match an exact color found in an image.

HTML color codes are hexadecimal triplets representing the colors red, green, and blue (#RRGGBB). For example, in the color red, the color code is #FF0000, which is '255' red, '0' green, and '0' blue. These color codes can change the color of the background, text, and tables on a web page.

HTML Color Codes Theory

So you are wondering "Does this weird combination of letters and numbers have any meaning?" Well the answer is "Yes" and this is how it goes:)

HTML Codes format:

Each HTML code contains symbol "#" and 6 letters or numbers. These numbers are in hexadecimal numeral system. For example "FF" in hexadecimal represents number 255 in Decimal.

HTML Color Coding Methods

There are following three different methods to set colors in your web page

Color names − You can specify color names directly like green, blue or red.

Hex codes − A six-digit code representing the amount of red, green, and blue that makes up the color.

Color decimal or percentage values − This value is specified using the rgb( ) property.

Meaning of symbols:

The first two symbols in HTML color code represents the intensity of red color. 00 is the least and FF is the most intense. The third and fourth represents intensity of green and fifth and sixth represents the intensity of blue. So with combining the intensity of red, green and blue we can mix almost any color that our heart desire;)


#FF0000 - With this HTML code we tell browser to show maximum of red and no green and no blue. The result is of course pure red color.

#00FF00 - This HTML code shows just green and no red and blue.

#0000FF - This HTML code shows just blue and no red and green.

#FFFF00 - Combination of red and green color gives us yellow.

#CCEEFF - Take some red a bit more of green and maximum of blue to get color of sky etc.

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