Online Strong Random Password Generator
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Strong Random Password Generator
- Password generator uses cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator with all recent browsers, except Opera
- The password is generated locally in the browser and is not sent to the server.
- The web page is loaded with HTTPS and SSL encryption.
Passwords are a real security threat. Over 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords, a recent report shows . So if you want to safeguard your personal info and assets, creating secure passwords is a big first step. And that’s where the LastPass Password Generator can help. Impossible-to-crack passwords are complex with multiple types of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols). Making your passwords different for each website or app also helps defend against hacking. This password generator tool runs locally on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer, as well as your iOS or Android device. The passwords you generate are never sent across the web.
A random password generator is software program or hardware device that takes input from a random or pseudo-random number generator and automatically generates a password. Random passwords can be generated manually, using simple sources of randomness such as dice or coins, or they can be generated using a computer.
While there are many examples of "random" password generator programs available on the Internet, generating randomness can be tricky and many programs do not generate random characters in a way that ensures strong security. A common recommendation is to use open source security tools where possible since they allow independent checks on the quality of the methods used. Note that simply generating a password at random does not ensure the password is a strong password, because it is possible, although highly unlikely, to generate an easily guessed or cracked password. In fact, there is no need at all for a password to have been produced by a perfectly random process: it just needs to be sufficiently difficult to guess.
A password generator can be part of a password manager. When a password policy enforces complex rules, it can be easier to use a password generator based on that set of rules than to manually create passwords.
To prevent your passwords from being hacked by social engineering, brute force or dictionary attack method and protect your sensitive information online, you should notice that:
1. Do not use the same password on multiple accounts.
2. The password should contains at least 15 characters, it should consists of both numbers, letters and special symbols.
3. Do not use the names of your families, friends or pets.
4. Do not use postcodes, house numbers, phone numbers, birthdates, ID card numbers, social security numbers, etc.
5. Do not use the most commonly used English words.
6. You should not let your browsers( FireFox, Chrome, Opera, IE, Safari ) or FTP client programs save your passwords, any password saved in the browser can be revealed with a simple click using a script.
7. Do not login important accounts with a public computer or a machine of other guys.
8. Do not login important accounts with HTTP or FTP connections, because the username and password in the message of a HTTP or FTP connection can be captured easily with a network protocol analyzer like Wireshark, which means that the password can be sniffed or hacked with very little effort. You should use HTTPS or SFTP connections.
9. It's a good habit to change your passwords regularly.
10. It's recommended that you remember 3 to 5 main passwords, and store other passwords with a certain software, for example, you can save them in a plain text file and encrypt it with 7-Zip or BitLocker, or manage them with a password management software.
Strong passwords are unique and random.
Humans aren't very good at coming up with passwords that are either of those things, let alone both. So we created the 1Password Strong Password Generator to create secure, memorable passwords for you. 81% of data breaches are caused by weak or reused passwords, so random, unique passwords are your best defense against online threats.
Why should my password be unique?
If you use the same password for both your email and your bank account login, an attacker only needs to steal one password to get access to both accounts, doubling your exposure. If you've used that same password for 14 different accounts, you're making the attacker's job very, very easy. You can protect yourself by using a generator to create unique passwords that are easy to remember