Online Voltage Divider calculator

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Voltage Divider Calculator

Voltage divider mini-computer: works out the voltage drops on every resistor load, when associated in series.

Enter total voltage supply and press the Calculate button:

Enter total voltage: VT = Volts [V]
Enter resistance of first load: R1 = Ohms [Ω]
Enter resistance of second load: R2 = Ohms [Ω]
Enter resistance of third load:


R3 = Ohms [Ω]
Voltage drop of R1: V1 = Volts [V]
Voltage drop of R2: V2 = Volts [V]
Voltage drop of R3: V3 = Volts [V]

The resistor voltage divider is one of the maximum well-known and helpful circuits used by engineers. The most important role of this circuit is proportional down the info voltage to a lower esteem in view of the share of the 2 resistors. This including gadget makes a decision the result voltage of the divider circuit given the data (or supply) voltage and the resistor values. Observe that the result voltage in real circuits may be precise, since resistor resilience and burden obstruction (in which the result voltage is related) become elements.

A ability divider circuit is an exceptionally regular circuit applied in gadgets in which an information voltage should be switched over completely to any other voltage short of what it. This circuit is highly useful for all simple circuits in which variable voltages are required, hence it's far important to recognise the way this capabilities and a way to compute the upsides of Resistors.

A voltage divider circuit is extraordinarily primary circuit comprising of just two resistors (R1 and R2) as displayed previously. The predicted end result voltage (Vout) may be acquired across the resistor R2. Utilizing those resistors we are able to trade an data voltage over completely to any anticipated result voltage, this end result voltage is selected by means of the worth of the competition R1 and R2. The formulae to compute Vout is proven under.

Vout= (Vin x R2)/(R1 + R2)

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