Online kVA to kW Calculator

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kVA to kW Calculator

Enter kilovolt-amps: kVA
Enter power factor:  
Result in kilowatts: kW

Kilovolt-amps (kVA) and kilowatts (kW) are the two extents of power, yet they contrast insignificantly. kVA is an extent of the clear power while kW is an extent of the real power. These much of the time are different because of equipment power factor.

Power factor is the extent between clear power and certifiable power and is a technique for tending to how much power in equipment that is used at this point does no real work.

To convert from kVA to kW the power element ought to be addressed. This recipe can be used for the kVA to kW conversion.

kW = kVA × Power Factor


What is the certifiable power in kilowatts when the clear power is 3 kVA and the power factor is 0.8?


P = 3kVA × 0.8 = 2.4kW

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