Online Amps to VA Calculator
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Amps to VA calculator
Amps to VA Conversion
Single phase amps to VA calculation formula
S(VA) = I(A) × V(V)
The apparent S (power) in volt-amps is equal to I (current) in amps, times the V (voltage) in V (volts).
3 phase amps to VA calculation formula
S(VA) = √3 × I(A) × VL-L(V) = 3 × I(A) × VL-N(V)
The apparent S (power) in kilovolt-amps is equal to square root of 3 I (current) in amps, times the line to line voltage VL-L in volts.
Amps measure the flow of electricity as an electric current. Specifically, it measures the amount of electrons that flow past a certain point per second.
Volt Amps (VA)
Volt-ampere (VA) is a measurement of power in a direct current (DC) electrical circuit. The VA specification is also used in alternating current (AC) circuits.
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